The Universe Is Infinite With Possibility
Law of attraction tips for people who work hard and only seem to be attracting more work rather than more wealth, include stopping and thinking about this equation. The more you focus on work, the more work you attract, the more you focus on abundance the more of this you will attract. This is the law of attraction!
Like a mirror will reflect your image, laws of attraction dictate that you will attract what you spend the most time thinking of. It is for this reason that work should not be the focal point, abundance or wealth should be, you have to think and believe that you are already abundant and be thankful for it as though you have already received it.
The ego focused mind of we humans finds this a difficult concept to grasp, how can you be grateful and thankful for something you don't appear to have? The answer to this mystery is simple - faith. Be the master of your thoughts and have faith that it all exists, and whatever you want will be yours. The universe is already infinitely abundant, believe it, it's true! It is not so difficult to take this leap of faith, as the Nike people say, "just do it"!